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BACnet is a communications protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks that leverages the ASHRAE, ANSI, and ISO 16484-5 standard protocol. It facilitates communication among building automation and control systems, enabling applications such as HVAC control, lighting control, access control, and fire detection systems to exchange information. BACnet ensures interoperability and allows computerized building automation devices to communicate, regardless of the specific services they provide.
Default port: 47808
47808/udp open BACNet -- Building Automation and Control NetworksEnumerate
pip3 install BAC0
pip3 install netifaces
import BAC0
import time
myIP = '<Your IP>/<MASK>' #You need to be on the same subnet as the bacnet device. Example: ''
bacnet = BAC0.connect(ip=myIP)
bacnet.whois() #Broadcast request of bacnet devices
time.sleep(5) #Wait for devices to respond
for i, (deviceId, companyId, devIp, numDeviceId) in enumerate(bacnet.devices):
print(f"-------- Device #{numDeviceId} --------")
print(f"Device: {deviceId}")
print(f"IP: {devIp}")
print(f"Company: {companyId}")
readDevice = bacnet.readMultiple(f"{devIp} device {numDeviceId} all")
print(f"Model Name: {readDevice[11]}")
print(f"Version: {readDevice[2]}")
# print(readDevice) #List all available info about the device
nmap --script bacnet-info --script-args full=yes -sU -n -sV -p 47808 <IP>
This script does not attempt to join a BACnet network as a foreign device, it simply sends BACnet requests directly to an IP addressable device.
port:47808 instance
"Instance ID" "Vendor Name"
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