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If you are interested in hacking career and hack the unhackable - we are hiring! (fluent polish written and spoken required).
The web service is the most common and extensive service and a lot of different types of vulnerabilities exists.
Default port: 80 (HTTP), 443(HTTPS)
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open ssl/https
nc -v 80 # GET / HTTP/1.0
openssl s_client -connect # GET / HTTP/1.0
In this methodology we are going to suppose that you are going to a attack a domain (or subdomain) and only that. So, you should apply this methodology to each discovered domain, subdomain or IP with undetermined web server inside the scope.
Check if there are known vulnerabilities for the server version that is running.
The HTTP headers and cookies of the response could be very useful to identify the technologies and/or version being used. Nmap scan can identify the server version, but it could also be useful the tools whatweb, webtechor
whatweb -a 1 <URL> #Stealthy
whatweb -a 3 <URL> #Aggresive
webtech -u <URL>
webanalyze -host -crawl 2
Search for vulnerabilities of the web application version
Some tricks for finding vulnerabilities in different well known technologies being used:
Take into account that the same domain can be using different technologies in different ports, folders and subdomains.
If the web application is using any well known tech/platform listed before or any other, don't forget to search on the Internet new tricks (and let me know!).
If the source code of the application is available in github, apart of performing by your own a White box test of the application there is some information that could be useful for the current Black-Box testing:
nikto -h <URL>
whatweb -a 4 <URL>
wapiti -u <URL>
zaproxy #You can use an API
nuclei -ut && nuclei -target <URL>
# (client side vulns fuzzer)
node puff.js -w ./wordlist-examples/xss.txt -u ""
If a CMS is used don't forget to run a scanner, maybe something juicy is found:
Clusterd: JBoss, ColdFusion, WebLogic, Tomcat, Railo, Axis2, Glassfish
CMSScan: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, vBulletin websites for Security issues. (GUI)
VulnX: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, PrestaShop, Opencart
CMSMap: (W)ordpress, (J)oomla, (D)rupal or (M)oodle
droopscan: Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, Silverstripe, Wordpress
cmsmap [-f W] -F -d <URL>
wpscan --force update -e --url <URL>
joomscan --ec -u <URL>
joomlavs.rb #
At this point you should already have some information of the web server being used by the client (if any data is given) and some tricks to keep in mind during the test. If you are lucky you have even found a CMS and run some scanner.
From this point we are going to start interacting with the web application.
Default pages with interesting info:
Forcing errors
Web servers may behave unexpectedly when weird data is sent to them. This may open vulnerabilities or disclosure sensitive information.
at the end of URLIf you find that WebDav is enabled but you don't have enough permissions for uploading files in the root folder try to:
Use to checks for vulnerabilities (In Bug Bounty programs probably these kind of vulnerabilities won't be accepted) and use a2svto recheck the vulnerabilities:
./ [--htmlfile]
#Use the --htmlfile to save the output inside an htmlfile also
# You can also use other tools, by at this momment is the best one (I think)
sslscan <host:port>
sslyze --regular <ip:port>
Information about SSL/TLS vulnerabilities:
Launch some kind of spider inside the web. The goal of the spider is to find as much paths as possible from the tested application. Therefore, web crawling and external sources should be used to find as much valid paths as possible.
Start brute-forcing from the root folder and be sure to brute-force all the directories found using this method and all the directories discovered by the Spidering (you can do this brute-forcing recursively and appending at the beginning of the used wordlist the names of the found directories).
wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories.txt
ffuf -c -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt -u
Recommended dictionaries:
Note that anytime a new directory is discovered during brute-forcing or spidering, it should be Brute-Forced.
While performing the spidering and brute-forcing you could find interesting things that you have to notice.
Interesting files
403 Forbidden/Basic Authentication/401 Unauthorized (bypass)
502 Proxy Error
If any page responds with that code, it's probably a bad configured proxy. If you send a HTTP request like: GET HTTP/1.1
(with the host header and other common headers), the proxy will try to access and you will have found a SSRF.
NTLM Authentication - Info disclosure
If the running server asking for authentication is Windows or you find a login asking for your credentials (and asking for domain name), you can provoke an information disclosure.
and due to how the NTLM authentication works, the server will respond with internal info (IIS version, Windows version...) inside the header "WWW-Authenticate".
You can automate this using the nmap plugin "http-ntlm-info.nse".
HTTP Redirect (CTF)
It is possible to put content inside a Redirection. This content won't be shown to the user (as the browser will execute the redirection) but something could be hidden in there.
Now that a comprehensive enumeration of the web application has been performed it's time to check for a lot of possible vulnerabilities. You can find the checklist here:
Find more info about web vulns in:
You can use tools such as to monitor pages for modifications that might insert vulnerabilities.
If you are interested in hacking career and hack the unhackable - we are hiring! (fluent polish written and spoken required).
Protocol_Name: Web #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number: 80,443 #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Web #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out
Name: Notes
Description: Notes for Web
Note: |
Name: Quick Web Scan
Description: Nikto and GoBuster
Command: nikto -host {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port} &&&& gobuster dir -w {Small_Dirlist} -u {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port} && gobuster dir -w {Big_Dirlist} -u {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port}
Name: Nikto
Description: Basic Site Info via Nikto
Command: nikto -host {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port}
Name: WhatWeb
Description: General purpose auto scanner
Command: whatweb -a 4 {IP}
Name: Directory Brute Force Non-Recursive
Description: Non-Recursive Directory Brute Force
Command: gobuster dir -w {Big_Dirlist} -u {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port}
Name: Directory Brute Force Recursive
Description: Recursive Directory Brute Force
Command: python3 {Tool_Dir}dirsearch/ -w {Small_Dirlist} -e php,exe,sh,py,html,pl -f -t 20 -u {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port} -r 10
Name: Directory Brute Force CGI
Description: Common Gateway Interface Brute Force
Command: gobuster dir -u {Web_Proto}://{IP}:{Web_Port}/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/CGIs.txt -s 200
Name: Nmap Web Vuln Scan
Description: Tailored Nmap Scan for web Vulnerabilities
Command: nmap -vv --reason -Pn -sV -p {Web_Port} --script=`banner,(http* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or http-slowloris* or fuzzer)` {IP}
Name: Drupal
Description: Drupal Enumeration Notes
Note: |
git clone for low hanging fruit and git clone for deeper enumeration
Name: WordPress
Description: WordPress Enumeration with WPScan
Command: |
?What is the location of the wp-login.php? Example: /Yeet/cannon/wp-login.php
wpscan --url {Web_Proto}://{IP}{1} --enumerate ap,at,cb,dbe && wpscan --url {Web_Proto}://{IP}{1} --enumerate u,tt,t,vp --passwords {Big_Passwordlist} -e
Name: WordPress Hydra Brute Force
Description: Need User (admin is default)
Command: hydra -l admin -P {Big_Passwordlist} {IP} -V http-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:S=Location'
Name: Ffuf Vhost
Description: Simple Scan with Ffuf for discovering additional vhosts
Command: ffuf -w {Subdomain_List}:FUZZ -u {Web_Proto}://{Domain_Name} -H "Host:FUZZ.{Domain_Name}" -c -mc all {Ffuf_Filters}
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